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Bokstart vill ge alla barn en bra start in i språkets värld och vänder sig till dig som möter små barn i deras vardag. Du är betydelsefull för barnets språk – det börjar med dig! Satsningen är under ständig utveckling, och därför kommer den här webbplatsen att växa och förändras längs vägen. Har du frågor om Bokstart? Kontakta oss via e-post: info@bokstart.se eller besök vårt supportforum.

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Cover of the Bookstart Around the World

Bookstart Around the World

Bookstart is a concept that exists all around the world, and in this report we collect relevant research and successful methods.

About 30 countries run Bookstart programmes to promote reading amongst the very youngest children. This means that there is a considerable amount of knowledge and research available from Bookstart and similar bookgifting programmes.

In this report, we collect relevant research and successful methods, so that everyone who works to promote reading for the little ones can be inspired and able to relate their work to experiences from similar initiatives. 

This report has been provided by Governo on assignment from the Swedish Arts Council. Governo is a management consultant company focused on the public sector.

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Bookstart Around the World

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